September 11, 2016 - News
The new building finally opened its doors on Saturday September 10th to a host of local residents. Southlands High School had a family fun day to celebrate the completion of its major new building project, and welcomed special guest Rt Hon Lindsay Hoyle MP to officially open the school’s brand new Sports Centre.
The new facility includes a four court sports hall, classroom, reception, office, a staff kitchen area and large male/ female changing rooms.
Speaking to local residents at the front of the building before cutting the red ribbon and unveiling the official plaque, Rt Hon Lindsay Hoyle MP said “This is a big day not just for Southlands but for the community of Chorley as well. This is a fantastic facility, second to none after going round and seeing just what you can do.”
The local MP for Chorley then went on to praise the work of by adding “I have got to say thank you to Conlon because when I came and saw that slab I thought what is it really going to be like? One can only begin to guess and yes you see the artist impressions and the plans but I have got to tell you when you see it here now it is even better.”
Headteacher Mark Fowle said:
The school is absolutely delighted with the new building that has been finished on time and to a very high standard. Praise must go to Lancashire County Council and Conlon who have worked very hard to complete this project on time.